'New survey' - To buy a new survey
'Active surveys' - This is your list of active (not-lodged) surveys plus your two survey templates
'SkyDocs' - Some useful documents you can download and use as you wish
'Account transactions and top-up' - Access to a history of your past 20 transactions and to Stripe to top up your account
'Edit personal details' - Update the details which appear in your reports
'Support' - Allows you to send us a message
'Logout' - Cheerio to Skyline til next time
Chrome Browser Spell Check turned off on latest release
Those nice folk at Chrome have turned off your spell check as default in the latest version. This spell checker highlights typo's with a red underline in your survey text.
To turn on follow these 4 steps below ....
Any issues then send us a support contact and we can assist.
We are looking for users to test out pre-live releases of the App. (Apple and Android)
Latest version (2.0.0-16) includes :-
- Support for Single Defect and Soc Reports
- Better photo resolution for Snag, WBAH, SDEF and SOC
- Fixed two crash causes
- Tidys up your device after report lodged
Let us know if you would like to be on the testing program ?
New AI assistant button for Building Surveys, Home Buyer Surveys and Home Condition Surveys !!
News Letter here
You can restore your own reports if lodged within the last 2 weeks (before they go off to our deep freezer)
From the avtive surveys list, select 'tools' then 'Restore'.
You'll see a list of your last few reports - those with a green 'avail now', you can restore now. The red ones - press those and it sends us a detailed restore request to grab it from our freezer.
On the photos page you have access to change any of your captions - we give you over 100 but you can amend / add / delete as you wish. There's a help button on the captions page.
Valuation and / or ReInstatement or neither - You can control any combination of these two by using the radio buttons on 'edit address' from your survey list. Or when you buy the report. Section 2.7 then prints as required.
There are a few options when you buy a report - if you get them wrong you can change them using the 'edit address' button from your 'active survey' list
Windows Snip and Sketch Tool - To grab parts of the screen. Here's a short cut - Press 3 keys : Windows Key - Shift - S at the same time. Then drag your mouse to highlight your screen portion. A window will pop up for you to click on and save.
You have two survey templates - one for the Bulding Survey and one for the Home Buyer ( incl HCS and BTL) types of survey.
These are your personal templates for you to edit as you wish. We just give you some starter text.
The report text within is copied into your new report when you buy a report.
But did you know you can set your condition ratings and load up some pictures to your template - and then these get copied across too.
You can drag and drop up to 30 pictures at a time across to the photo load screen. Do make sure they are resized down to around 100kb (0.1MB) most camera photos are around 4MB-8MB
Skyline introduction video - Watch this to find out why Skyline is the perfect companion for the independent surveyor.
We'll answer all of your questions and tell you how quickly and easily you can get started writing the best looking survey reports in the industry.
Watch the video HERE
Skyline Full Training
If you suffer a data loss we can normally get the data back for you. If you overwrite any of your data, or there is a server glitch, then we can grab your data from any 'save'. Just email us info@skylinesurveyors.co.uk or use the 'Support' buttons
Cookies ! - Only this sign-on screen uses cookies. We just record which items you have already seen so we don't alert you again. That's it. No advertising, tracking or other dodgy cookies.